
Who We Are and What We Do

We convene dynamic thinkers, both local and international, to mobilize expertise and ideas to influence the policy making process on Curaçao.  The essential elements of our work:  Access good ideas based in evidence; convene a coalition of actions to support those ideas; develop and sustain the institutional capacity to nurture and shepherd those ideas in a dynamic context; insure the ability to seize the moment when the time is right.

Core Work

The underlying work thread is to push change. By networking with a selective network of think tanks around the world, the Institute focuses on essential good ideas, best practice, and key policies that can offer solutions at the local, regional and global levels.

Through its comparative research and varied bench of researchers, the Institute: 1. Assists policy makers to develop effective responses to key issues, 2. Plays a constructive role in negotiating change through evidence-based assessments, 3. Generates effective recommendations and solutions, 4. Assist the change process by offering strategies to “leap frog” to proven policy, processes and results from other societies that propel societal change.

Products include white papers, policy models, community forums, leadership training forums, and mobilization of expertise to influence the policy-making process.

Recognizing the world is facing enormous, undeniable problems, the Think to DO Institute selects the most challenging of these worldwide problems that, when addressed, will lead to the best solutions for the local community-at-large.